Week's Links: Sorta Awesome and a Wrecking Ball

Anyone else wake up some Mondays and wonder what happened to the last week? Because that's totally how I'm feeling today! Last week was a blur; I've been picking up more freelance work, and things have picked up at the day job. Plus James and I spent the weekend with my parents in Ada, so overall the week just flew by! 

But I'm back today with another Week's Links. In case you haven't noticed, it's becoming a regular Monday series, so I hope you enjoy them! 

One of the most popular posts in the When I Grow Up series was last week's interview with Kathleen! And for those of you interested in taking an e-course with Braid Creative, the deadline is Wednesday and you can sign up here.  (Don't forget you can use the code BRAIDECOURSE50 to save $25!)

I totally loved this video of three women singing songs from different decades!

And speaking of music, have you seen Anne Hathaway singing Wrecking Ball yet?  We watched it this weekend with my parents, and that song has been in my head ever since. (To my family's dismay, the only words I know are literally "I came in like a wrecking ball..." That's it!) 

And I am so excited about the launch of Sorta Awesome by Megan Tietz. I've been reading her blog for years, and have been lucky enough to meet her a time or two (she's in the OKC area as well). Definitely check out her new podcast, it's going to be one of my new favorites!

I know I'm forgetting some links, but I'll share them next week when I remember them :) And fellow book nerds, get excited for Wednesday's Quick Lit post. I read way more books this month, and I can't wait to tell you all about them! 

Happy Monday! 

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...

Psst - the Braid Creative link is an affiliate link. Full disclosure, and all that!