I Didn't March
I didn't March.
Why? Frankly, because I was tired. Taylor hasn't been sleeping well, we had a big week, and I didn't want to deal with driving downtown and a diaper bag and a cranky baby and crowds.
But I should've. The fact that I felt I could say no thanks to the March just demonstrates how privileged I am.
But the March wasn't about me. And honestly, it wasn't about Trump.
Ok, it may have been a little about Trump. But really, he is just the catalyst for a movement that's been building for years. Women are sick and tired of being treated like we are a problem. We're tired of our bodies being legislated by (mostly) straight white men who don't even know how the reproductive system works. We're tired of making 70ish cents on the dollar to what a man makes working the same job. We're tired of being verbally and physically assaulted and watching our attackers get away unscathed - or being told to get over it because it wasn't really assault.
We're tired of fighting for the same shit women have been fighting for decades.
Was the March perfect? No. There are lots of additional issues that need to be addressed, and no one will ever be happy with everything.
But it's a start. And I missed it.
But really, I didn't. Yes, I missed the March. But the Movement? It's just getting started. Millions of people around the globe (all 7 continents - yes, even Antarctica) stood up and said they will not go quietly into the night.
So instead of wringing my hands and wishing I'd gone on Saturday I'm going to get to work. I'm going to call my elected officials and tell them I want my voice heard. I'm going to start a new series on this blog, focusing on women who make a difference.
I'm not going to bury my head in the sand anymore. And next time, I March. For my daughter. In the hopes that someday her daughter won't have to.
Today I started small by calling my state senator and telling the staffer who answered the phone what I thought about two bills that were recently introduced that would restrict midwifery care in our state. The staffer took my information, listened to what I had to say and talked to me about what she thought and went above and beyond talking to me about the senator and how she ended up in office. It took about five minutes but it mattered.
Don't be afraid to use your voice. Even if you hate using the phone like me, suck it up and make a call. If you're in Oklahoma, you can find out who your legislators are and how to contact them here.
Let's go.