What is a Weekend? - Week's Links
Happy Monday, friends! Today's post is later in the day because I am officially self-employed. I woke up this morning, had a big cup of coffee, and opened my laptop to begin the day. No business casual clothes, no traffic, nada.
It was glorious.
I promise I won't write all posts same day (in fact, I rarely do anymore). But I decided to enjoy the weekend and not do ANY writing or work related anything. Now that I'll be working from home again, I would like to have the weekends be actual weekends again. For a long time I was like the Dowager Countess of Grantham.
I didn't even know what a weekend was because I was always working. And I do intend to work my tail off during the week, so it will be nice to have free weekends! Maybe I can actually start using our pool :)
Now let's dive into this week's links!
First, a personal one. I have officially relaunched my business! J Bryant Creative is now offering content strategy, creation, and management with a brand new website that I built all by my lonesome. I'm pretty proud of it, so if you have a few minutes take a look.
And this article is exactly what I wanted to read this week! Why Freelancing Actually Has More Job Security than a 9 to 5.
Consent can be tough to talk about it, but it's a conversation that we should all be having. Not sure how to go about it? Check out these 7 things that have nothing to do with rape that perfectly illustrate the idea of consent.
After that post how about we take things a little lighter with a video of kittens and puppies meeting!
Friends ended the year I graduated from high school, so I know lots of things in the show were dated. I didn't realize how many until I read this post about the 21 things that happened on Friends that would baffle kids today.
I live in Oklahoma and have several friends who are teachers, so this article about the teacher pay discrepancy between our state and Texas hits close to home. I have some very strong opinions about how much money our state wastes on pointless legislation when our education system is struggling. I mean, our governor doesn't even know the three branches of government for goodness' sake!
And let's close out with a peek at some embarrassing things people have done when they meet celebrities. I say and do stupid things around normal people, so I bet I would just melt down around a celebrity.
Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great week.
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...