The Big 3-0
This weekend I turn the big 3-0.
In my early twenties, I tried to imagine what my life would be like when this milestone hit. And while I envisioned several different scenarios, I don't think I could have known what it would actually be like. For example:
I had no idea I would be almost 6 months pregnant, trying to build up my business before our little girl makes her big debut. I had no idea I would live in a house in a small town outside of OKC with a husband who was several years younger. I had no idea I would be totally happy with all of those things, including the fact that my 30th birthday is going to be a totally laidback affair involving a few close friends, dinner, and a free water taxi ride. I had no idea that I would be so excited about finding a limited edition version of the Audrey BumGenius diaper. (It's a cloth diaper, I'll explain another time.)
None of those things would have made sense to early twenty-something Jennifer, except the small birthday celebration with friends, because those friends are the same ones I had back then!
But it all makes perfect sense now. The only thing that might bother me about turning 30 is that I didn't finish my 30 Before Thirty List. I did some amazing things in my twenties - I traveled to foreign countries, got married, took risks in my career, pushed myself in ways I didn't know I could. But I didn't do everything I set out to.
And that's totally ok. I had lots of plans for this fall and winter; I was going to do the muddy rough 5k that I wasn't able to do in May when it was cancelled. I was going to take a cooking class, throw a dinner party, and buy a house. Instead I spent most of this fall hugging a toilet! The idea of cooking didn't start sounding good again until November, and simply the idea of hosting a dinner party exhausts me. The house thing went out the window when I left my banking job (getting a loan is hard when you're self-employed), and obviously the 5k wasn't going to happen.
But guess what? Life isn't ending at 30. I can do all those things in the coming years, and so much more. My twenties are coming to an end, and I'm pretty happy about it because I cannot wait to see what my thirties bring!
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...