Not So Sparkly
Things have been a little boring around the Robbins house lately. Lots of reading, binge watching, and Ritz crackers. The good news is that I have some great books to tell you about for next month's Quick Lit! The bad news is that I don't seem to have much to say these days.
Honestly, this pregnancy thing is kind of rough. But everyone swears it's going to get better soon! The second trimester is so close, and all I hear is how much more energy I'll have. Fingers crossed.
Another not fun thing? Trying to get dressed. Thankfully I work from home most days, and yoga pants are fabulous and forgiving. My jeans? Not so much. I've pretty much been living in maxi skirts with elastic waists, but fall is here and I'm going to have to have some other options soon. I've ordered some maternity clothes from thredUP, so we'll see how that goes.
Final pregnancy note: I promise to provide bump pics in the future, but at this point I just look like I had one too many burritos. Which is funny, because I haven't had too many of anything lately. Except maybe crackers!
Now excuse me, I'm going to continue binge watching the Good Wife.
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...