Quick Lit: March 2015
It's been a pretty slow month for me. I only read two books this month, and I didn't even finish one of them! I did listen to three audiobooks so that makes this post a little worthwhile, right? At least it's really a quick read this time! (Linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy, if you want to find out what other people have been reading just click here.)
What I Read:
I'm going to start with the book I refused to finish. Frog Music. I read Room, the author's debut novel, a few years ago and liked it. It was a rough read, the subject matter was grim. And this book was no different. I just never connected with the story. I can't even really tell you what it is about, other than the main character was a woman who worked in a brothel. She had a baby daddy who was clearly only with her because this book took place in California in the 1800's, because he so obviously had his own male lover on the side. I was actually surprised to see this called a historical crime drama. Maybe I quit too soon (almost halfway through the book), but it didn't read like a crime drama at all. Obviously I'm not a fan, but if you give it a shot, let me know what you think! ($9.99 for Kindle)
I read My So-Called Freelance Life several years ago before I started working as a freelance writer, and as I'm working on rebuilding my business now I thought it was time for a refresher. It isn't just for writers, it is for anyone interested in the freelance lifestyle. I highly recommend it. ($9.99 for Kindle)
What I Listened To:
If you read my post about Audible Alternatives, you know that I've been listening to Harry Potter audiobooks lately. The first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, was pretty much as I remembered. Except the Dursleys are definitely worse in the book! If you haven't read the Harry Potter books yet, what are you waiting for? ($5.99 for Kindle)
The Chamber of Secrets was my least favorite of all the books (and movies) until I finished the series and understood how important it was in the grand scheme of things. I appreciated it much more this time around. There were definitely parts of this book that differed from the movie, so it was fun to be reminded of all that I miss when I watch the movie. Plus the narrator is pretty great at voices, except his Hermoine voice drives me nuts! ($7.99 for Kindle)
The Prisoner of Azkaban was the must different from the movie so far. I vaguely remember thinking that when I saw the movies originally, but that's been quite awhile ago now. Listening to the book now and thinking about the movie has been fun, trying to decide why they decided to keep and eliminate certain scenes. I'm loving these audio books, obviously! ($7.99 for Kindle)
So that's my pathetic little list. How did you do this month?
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...