In Case You Missed It...

If you've been wondering why I've been so quiet, the answer is simple.

Yes, Baby Robbins will be joining our family in April! And I've been battling some nasty morning (let's be real, it's all-damn-day) sickness and some ridiculous exhaustion. Growing a baby is hard work. I had no idea how hard! 

So I've been taking it super easy lately. Plus it's hard to write honestly when you have this huge secret you're keeping. That's what is so crazy about early pregnancy. Your whole life has been turned upside down, but you're not supposed to talk about it! It's so weird. 

But don't worry friends. This won't turn into a pregnancy focused blog. Of course I'll talk about it, but it's not going to become my focus. In fact, I'll be back tomorrow with September's Quick Lit list. And, of course, a new edition of the When I Grow Up series will be up on Wednesday! 

So stick around! :)

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...