Friday I'm in Love: Pop Basic

I'm bringing back my Friday I'm in Love series this week because I need to tell you about Pop Basic.

See, some of you may know that I'm quick to voice my opinion when it comes to customer service. I've been fairly outspoken on some of my negative experiences with AT&T and the Cheesecake Factory, but I think it's only right to be outspoken about the positive experiences I have too.

So let me tell you about Pop Basic! It's a company that sells micro collections of clothes, usually once a month. Those collections are one outfit; the collection I purchased was Felicity collection, a dress, a necklace, and a bracelet.

The jury is still out on the dress (it's a little clingy for me, but super cute) but I LOVED the necklace. It is gold and silver, layers well, and I wear it multiple times a week. It makes a plain gray shirt feel fancy. 

Well, I was wearing it on Sunday after getting home from a baby shower when my cat caught her foot in the chain and snapped it. I was so upset! So obviously I tweeted about it, and got a quick reply from Pop Basic asking if I'd like a replacement! I said I would love to buy a replacement if that was possible, and one PayPal transaction later my favorite necklace is getting replaced.

That, my friends, is how customer service should be done. So thank you Madeleine of Pop Basic, for making my day.

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...

My Love-Hate Relationship

One of my favorite scenes from What's Your Number (which is totally a guilty pleasure movie for me) is the one where Anna Faris gets tipsy at her sister's engagement party and rants abut bangs. Because that's about how I feel right now. I'm stuck in a love-hate relationship with my bangs!  (I'd link to the speech, but the only video on YouTube of it actually cuts that line out. So take my word for it!)

Yes, I love my heavy eybrow grazing bangs.  They keep my forehead a mystery, which means I don't have to wax my eyebrows. They make a ponytail feel fancy.

But heavy bangs in the Oklahoma summer suck. When you break a sweat walking out the front door, that means your bangs will either be stuck to your forehead the rest of the day, or worse, they will absorb the moisture and decide to go rogue. Meaning they fight against the tyranny of the straightener and curl every which way, leaving me looking like a poodle.

It isn't a good look for me.

So about this time of the year I start growing out the bangs. And I hate it. I want to rail against them like Anna Faris. I spend half my life growing out my bangs, it seems.

But fall will roll around and I'll head back to my fabulous hair stylist and start the process all over again. Because that's what I do. It's a love-hate thing, y'all. 

Winter Capsule Wardrobe is Moving Out!

Wow, spring is already here you guys! It's time to say good-bye to my winter capsule and hello to spring.

I still haven't figured out the best way to take pictures of my daily outfits, and I never took a picture of every single item. I really did try to take pictures daily, but this is how they usually turned out: 

 I'm not a fashion blogger and never will be. And that's ok! 

But here's the rundown. My day-to-day work wardrobe is incredibly boring. Black pants, rotating sweaters, and black heels. Nothing special. However, I do get to wear jeans twice a week to the office. I still have to keep it professional, though. Here's my attempt at an outfit layout:

See, not a fashion blogger.

But basically I lived in skinny jeans, black boots, and some variation of a shirt and sweater! I rotated out a few necklaces and earrings, heels or flats instead of boots, and threw in the occasional dress for a change of pace.

And I loved it! It's pretty much the same items I wore the year before, but it was so much easier to choose what to wear without all the other clothes crowding them out. My closet (well, my side of it anyway) stayed very clean and streamlined, and it was wonderful.

I have to confess that I did buy a few things though. I purchased two pairs of Seven jeans, a pair of Sam Edelman heels, ankle boots, and a North Face jacket. I regret nothing, because I purchased everything except the jacket from ThredUp where I had store credit, and I purchased the jacket off a garage sale group on Facebook. The jacket and the ankle boots are the only things that won't roll over into my spring wardrobe, and the jacket came in super handy in NYC so I consider it money well spent!

This weekend I spent some time rotating out the winter items and bringing in spring. I'll keep a few winter items handy because you never know when those cold temps will make a comeback. But I'm really hoping it's all 70 degrees and sunny from here on out :)

Did you try a capsule wardrobe this winter? Or are you thinking about trying one this spring? Tell me all about it!

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...