Friday I'm in Love: Pop Basic
I'm bringing back my Friday I'm in Love series this week because I need to tell you about Pop Basic.
See, some of you may know that I'm quick to voice my opinion when it comes to customer service. I've been fairly outspoken on some of my negative experiences with AT&T and the Cheesecake Factory, but I think it's only right to be outspoken about the positive experiences I have too.
So let me tell you about Pop Basic! It's a company that sells micro collections of clothes, usually once a month. Those collections are one outfit; the collection I purchased was Felicity collection, a dress, a necklace, and a bracelet.
The jury is still out on the dress (it's a little clingy for me, but super cute) but I LOVED the necklace. It is gold and silver, layers well, and I wear it multiple times a week. It makes a plain gray shirt feel fancy.
Well, I was wearing it on Sunday after getting home from a baby shower when my cat caught her foot in the chain and snapped it. I was so upset! So obviously I tweeted about it, and got a quick reply from Pop Basic asking if I'd like a replacement! I said I would love to buy a replacement if that was possible, and one PayPal transaction later my favorite necklace is getting replaced.
That, my friends, is how customer service should be done. So thank you Madeleine of Pop Basic, for making my day.
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...