When I Grow Up: Amy Kuretsky, Acupuncturist

Hey guys! Today I'm featuring another amazing boss lady from the Being Boss Facebook group: Amy Kuretsky, an acupuncturist and herbalist, among other things. And for those of you interested in About pages (like I am) you need to read hers! It's amazing. 

As a child, I wanted to be a ­______ when I grew up. An artist! I grew up with two very artistic older siblings. I was always trying to recreate their awesome high school artwork with my 4 year old crayon drawings.

 How close (or far) is your current career from that dream? Well, while I do feel that acupuncture and herbalism is a ‘healing art’, it’s by no means the type of artist my 3rd grade self envisioned my 30 year-old self to be.

I did follow my art dreams for decades though. I completed an undergraduate education in art history and worked at several well known institutions such as the Kinsey Institute and Walker Art Center, but ultimately didn’t find the art world as fulfilling for me personally as I’d envisioned it.

What is your official job title? Owner, acupuncturist, herbalist, boss-lady…

Ok, now what does that really mean? It means that I do every job at Amy K Acupuncture. I’ve hired out for professional photography and design, but for the most part I do all the day to day operations for my business as well as treat patients five days a week. Every educational handout, every herbal prescription, every website update, everything is completed by me.

What is a typical day like? I’m still in the process of creating my ideal day, but as of right now it looks like this:

My morning routine consists of waking up between 7-8am without an alarm (by far the best part of working for myself), then I’ll have some hot tea and breakfast while I plan out my day.

Depending on the day, I’ll put in an hour or two of admin work at home, followed by 4-7 hours of one-on-one patient care at my clinic.

I try to ride my bike to work most days in order to get at least some movement in for the day, but I’m on my feet during most of my patient care time so I get a surprisingly large number of steps in daily.

My evenings are spent with my fiance, Tony, cooking up healthy dinners, indulging in dark chocolate, and occasionally binge watching Netflix or looking for the best pinball machine in town.

I like to end my night “screen-free” in order to sleep more soundly, so I spend the last 30 minutes of my day reading in bed.

How did you end up in this career? I help people turn their health around because at one point I had to learn how to turn my own health around. After being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (an autoimmune disease of the gut) at the age of 21, my health was in serious decline. Even though the disease was housed in the digestive tract, my doctors told me that the food I ate didn’t affect the course of the disease. Huh?! That made zero sense to me so I set about learning about the connection between food and health.

It was a long, slow, process that originally was only meant to help my own body heal, but after learning so much amazing information, I couldn’t just keep it all to myself. I loved learning about herbs in particular, and that led me from western herbalism, to Chinese herbalism, to ultimately, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. I’m now over three years pharmaceutical and symptom free, and am grateful everyday that I have the knowledge to stay that way.

What kind of education or training did you complete for this career? I completed a three-year, year-round, masters degree in acupuncture and Chinese herbalism that included over 3,000 hours of training. I’m a licensed acupuncturist and board-certified Chinese herbalist in Minnesota. On top of all that, I’ve completed continuing education courses and certificates in nutritional healing, cosmetic acupuncture, esoteric acupuncture, and Reiki. Before going back to graduate school, I worked in the health and wellness department in a popular natural foods co-op in town for several years so I am well versed in western supplements and herbs as well.

Holy crap, I’m exhausted just reading all that!

What advice would you give to someone who wants a similar career? Follow your gut. We house so much in our guts - our emotions, our immune systems, our digestive fire. Our guts have a lot to tell us if you’re willing to listen. There are so many ways to help people lead healthier lives. A traditional education is only one way to go about gaining expertise. Find a mentor, ask lots of questions, and go with your gut

Do you have any other career dreams? What do you want to be when you grow up? I still have lots of career dreams. I want to make an impact on as many people’s health as possible. That might mean educating people through a wider net, or it might just mean inspiring more people to pursue careers in the healing arts so they can help as many people as possible. I’m not sure yet. I’m still letting my dreams unfold.

Any last thoughts or encouragement for others trying to decide what they want to do “when they grow up”? Do what you can’t not do. (My English teacher mother hates me right now.) I mean, do something that you’re driven to do daily. I can’t not think about how my food and lifestyle affect my health on a daily basis - I do it instinctively now - so I’ve chosen to use that information to help others lead healthier lives too. If doing a certain something everyday makes you happy - then do it - just figure out how you can use that to benefit others as well.

Thank you for sharing your story Amy! I've got a feeling this was just a glimpse into Amy's full story though, so head to her website to find out more! You can also find her on Pinterest or Instagram

​Previously on MrsRobbinsSparkles

When I Grow Up: A Graphic Designer, An Entrepreneur, A Student

Hey guys! We've got a super interesting feature today. Sierra Elmore just finished up high school and is already well on her way to being a successful entrepreneur! 

As a child, I wanted to be a ______ when I grew up. Medical researcher/novelist/therapist/ fashion designer.

How close (or far) is your current career from that dream? My current career is pretty far from that!

What is your official job title? Graphic Designer/Entrepreneur/High School Senior

Ok, now what does that really mean? As a graphic designer I create playful and profitable PDFs through my graphic design studio 13 Elm Streets and a few other partnerships. As an entrepreneur: I work on marketing, branding, creating products, accounting, and creating content for my business! (And trust me, there’s soooo much more than that.) And as a high school senior I'm finishing up school, preparing to attend Arcadia University this fall.

What is a typical day like? 

8 AM: Wake up, eat breakfast, and spend some time with my cat. I map out my goals for the day and finalize my daily schedule.

9 AM-2 PM: School, with a lunch break in between.

2 PM: I jump straight into client work, which involves anything from setting up a new client to polishing up a final PDF design.

4 PM: I have an afternoon break, which includes a walk, catching up on my email and social media notifications, and running errands.

5 PM: Depending on the day, I’ll either work on more client work or my “business building work”.

7 PM: Dinnertime!

8-10 PM: I’m applying to a ton of college scholarships, so this time is set aside for that.

10 PM: I either work a bit more on my business or relax.

11 PM: Get ready for bed by going through my bedtime routine and doing a bit of yoga.

12 AM: Go to sleep!

How did you end up in this career? I bucked the traditional 9 to 5 system before I even started it. After my mom not-so-subtly hinted that I needed to get a job last year, I started my business (actually my third!).

What kind of education or training did you complete for this career? Aside from some graphic and web design classes I’ve taken, I’m self-taught. I further my education through Skillshare, Adobe tutorials, and practice. I’ll be studying graphic design and psychology in the fall when I go to college.

What advice would you give to someone who wants a similar career? Desperation will NOT get you clients. You have to own what you do, be confident in yourself, and trust that you will get work.

Do you have any other career dreams? What do you want to be when you grow up? I do have plans to become a young adult novelist down the line! I’ll also be studying psychology next year, so therapy could be something I end up doing. I see the future as a vast journey that I’ll figure out along the way.

Any last thoughts or encouragement for others trying to decide what they want to do “when they grow up”? You’ll never fully grow up, so just do what you love in this moment.

It's so inspiring to see someone Sierra's age already jumping into a career! If you'd like to follow along with Sierra on social media you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. And of course you could always hire her! Her website is www.13elmstreets.com. Thanks for being a part of the series, Sierra! 

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...

When I Grow Up: Co-Owner of Sew Dayton

Hey guys! Time for another edition of When I Grow Up. Today I'm featuring Jesy Anderson, the co-owner of Sew Dayton. She has lots of other titles, but that was the simplest to share with you! I'll let her explain :)

As a child, I wanted to be a ­______ when I grew up.

Actress! I was in a play and got the lead in 6th grade, once that happened I wanted to do it all the time.

How close (or far) is your current career from that dream? I am nowhere close to that dream, as I got older my dream changed.  I didn't realize it at the time, but I am really good at training and teaching people. I was the new hire trainer at my old 9-5. I didn't realize until after I started teaching others to sew, that I really love teaching!  I discovered my new dream, and I am cherishing every moment of it.

What is your official job title? Co-Owner, Teacher, Accountant, Customer Service, Janitorial Services, Logistics, and IT services… really everything I need to be to make my business function!

Ok, now what does that really mean? It means that my job changes moment by moment, depending on what is needed at Sew Dayton. I could be cutting fabric for a customer, teaching a student to use their sewing machine, or putting manual entries into our accounting software. It changes due to the type of business. It's the most amazing part of my job, it changes so regularly, I never burn out!

What is a typical day like? A typical day at Sew Dayton is all about having fun! We get out our appointment book, divide up the classes between myself and my business partner Tracy.  Then we look at the alterations workload; figure out what has to be completed that day. Be it alterations, classes, what online work needs to be done and get to it. Since we have 3 parts of the business, it's hard to really have a "typical" day. We teach sewing lessons, complete light alterations and have a retail side to the shop with fabric and sewing supplies.

How did you end up in this career? My old job was eliminated, after working there for eleven and a half years. Once I got the shocking and dreadful news that I no longer had a job, I went home and spoke to my fiancé about it. He told me that if I thought I could make it work, I should give it my best and he would support my decision 100%. So I left the corporate world behind and try my hand at small business.

 I began sewing in 2010; I already had a small side income from selling my goods online through Etsy and my own website JKessel Design. Once I no longer had my corporate job and income, I got online and started ramping up my selection in the shop. Then I signed up for some local craft shows, got out and started meeting other crafty people and small business owners in my community.

I even took a sewing class from a local seamstress, Tracy McElfresh.  I had previously met her through a local Facebook crafters group and I asked her to make my wedding dress, she agreed. While planning the dress we talked about running a fabric shop together. After talking it over, we drew up a business plan and started getting to work!

We had a dream and a passion to do the work, but really had no capital to get started. We did a Kickstarter campaign to try to get our initial funding.  We hit our goal and then some! The best part, it was about 98% funded from the Dayton community. That is when we knew that they wanted us to be in the city! It was the most rewarding thing that I have had happen, besides getting married and becoming a stepmom.

Tracy and I applied for Activated Spaces, which is a program to help fill vacant storefronts in Dayton. We were accepted and we only had one month to secure a location, sign a short term lease (3 or 6 months), and get the location fixed up a ready to open.

Which we totally pulled off! And almost 3 years later still running and getting it done!

What kind of education or training did you complete for this career? I have 108 credit hours of my associates degree for Graphic Design.  I have a lot of experience in accounts payable/receivable, billing, and logistics from my old career at a paper company. My past experience has really helped out with running a small business. I also have a lot of social media experience.  I am a self taught seamstress, which has helped me when teaching others.  I know how to figure out the difficulty of a project and know a lot of the common mistakes that can happen when starting out.  It's empowering to be able to say, “I taught myself, you can do this”.  Practice does make perfect, if you're passionate about it, you will succeed!

What advice would you give to someone who wants a similar career? Just do it, the worst thing you can do is have doubt in yourself or your background. Like they say on BEING BOSS, do the work!  If you do the work, everything should fall into place. :)

Do you have any other career dreams? What do you want to be when you grow up? I would LOVE to design fabric and create sewing patterns. I enjoy anything design related, it really is my passion. It would be one more checkmark next to the things I love to do!

Any last thoughts or encouragement for others trying to decide what they want to do “when they grow up”?  Who says you have to grow up? It's about life and passion, family and friends. If you can make it work, be happy and all the other things will fall into place, right where they are meant to be. For creatives, it's better to stay just a bit "childlike" and try new things.  Just do it and have fun!  You only have one life, make it the best and most fulfilling for you and your family!

Thank you for sharing your story Jesy! If you'd like to learn more about Jesy you can find her on Twitter or at her website. You can also keep up with her in the Being Boss Facebook group - that's where she and I met! 

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...