When I Grow Up: A Graphic Designer, An Entrepreneur, A Student
Hey guys! We've got a super interesting feature today. Sierra Elmore just finished up high school and is already well on her way to being a successful entrepreneur!
As a child, I wanted to be a ______ when I grew up. Medical researcher/novelist/therapist/ fashion designer.
How close (or far) is your current career from that dream? My current career is pretty far from that!
What is your official job title? Graphic Designer/Entrepreneur/High School Senior
Ok, now what does that really mean? As a graphic designer I create playful and profitable PDFs through my graphic design studio 13 Elm Streets and a few other partnerships. As an entrepreneur: I work on marketing, branding, creating products, accounting, and creating content for my business! (And trust me, there’s soooo much more than that.) And as a high school senior I'm finishing up school, preparing to attend Arcadia University this fall.
What is a typical day like?
8 AM: Wake up, eat breakfast, and spend some time with my cat. I map out my goals for the day and finalize my daily schedule.
9 AM-2 PM: School, with a lunch break in between.
2 PM: I jump straight into client work, which involves anything from setting up a new client to polishing up a final PDF design.
4 PM: I have an afternoon break, which includes a walk, catching up on my email and social media notifications, and running errands.
5 PM: Depending on the day, I’ll either work on more client work or my “business building work”.
7 PM: Dinnertime!
8-10 PM: I’m applying to a ton of college scholarships, so this time is set aside for that.
10 PM: I either work a bit more on my business or relax.
11 PM: Get ready for bed by going through my bedtime routine and doing a bit of yoga.
12 AM: Go to sleep!
How did you end up in this career? I bucked the traditional 9 to 5 system before I even started it. After my mom not-so-subtly hinted that I needed to get a job last year, I started my business (actually my third!).
What kind of education or training did you complete for this career? Aside from some graphic and web design classes I’ve taken, I’m self-taught. I further my education through Skillshare, Adobe tutorials, and practice. I’ll be studying graphic design and psychology in the fall when I go to college.
What advice would you give to someone who wants a similar career? Desperation will NOT get you clients. You have to own what you do, be confident in yourself, and trust that you will get work.
Do you have any other career dreams? What do you want to be when you grow up? I do have plans to become a young adult novelist down the line! I’ll also be studying psychology next year, so therapy could be something I end up doing. I see the future as a vast journey that I’ll figure out along the way.
Any last thoughts or encouragement for others trying to decide what they want to do “when they grow up”? You’ll never fully grow up, so just do what you love in this moment.
It's so inspiring to see someone Sierra's age already jumping into a career! If you'd like to follow along with Sierra on social media you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. And of course you could always hire her! Her website is www.13elmstreets.com. Thanks for being a part of the series, Sierra!
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...