That Time James Broke His Face...

I know it isn't Thursday so it's weird to have a "Throwback Thursday post" go up today. But it's been two years since my husband broke his face riding a bull. (Yes, you read that correctly!) Instead of retelling the story in honor of this weird anniversary, I'm just going to leave this old post here for those of you who don't know the story. This post was originally published back in February 2013, so I call James my boyfriend in it. This old school post will also give you an idea of my experience and viewpoint on rodeo in preparation for my recap of the IFR rodeo I attended last weekend that will be going up tomorrow! Enjoy. And I'm sorry for the pictures!

It’s been a crazy couple weeks. Lots happening, but one of the biggest distractions lately has been my boyfriend. A week ago this past Friday, we went to Cowboys and he rode in two rounds. The first round went great – he covered and scored 59 points. The second round, however, was won by the bull. My boyfriend took a horn to the face a few seconds in, and his face immediately started swelling. I rushed him to the nearest ER.

That picture was taken less than an hour after the incident

The nurses were AMAZING at the emergency room. Super nice and helpful, much more so than the doctor who came in and started poking on his face with no warning! We (including his mom who we called on the way to the hospital) spent several hours waiting while he underwent a CT scan and was seen by another doctor (a much nicer one). Around four am we were finally sent home with three prescriptions and the number of an orthofacial surgeon.

The picture above was taken two days after the incident. The day after that I took him to see the surgeon. His face was already looking better – at least, the swelling around the eye had gone down immensely! The surgeon was wonderful, reassuring us that it looked like there was no serious damage. Unfortunately, their offices had different software from the hospital we went to, so he couldn’t look at the CT scans. So we left with the recommendation of a soft diet and light work, and an appointment to come back in a week.

This one was taken three days after the incident at the surgeon's office.

As the week went by, the swelling in his face went down quickly and he could open his eye all the way by Wednesday. The colors around his eye changed beautifully and his pain decreased as well. He didn’t so much follow the soft diet recommendation, unless you mean choosing soft tacos instead of crunchy ones, but he did take things a little slower than normal.

Today we went back to the surgeon. The color around his eye is almost gone (at least compared to what it was last week) but his eye is super red. The swelling is about 80% gone, and he seems to only experience pain when he really pushes himself too hard (or chews gum!). We were at the doctor for less than twenty minutes – long enough to be told that the surgeon looked at the CT scan and it looks like he should heal completely on his own! It will take time, and he might have a permanent little dent in his cheek (I have one above my left eyebrow, so who cares, right?) but definitely no need for surgery.

This was taken a week later when he was feeling much better. 

As I said, it's been two years since this happened. He still has some pain in his cheek when it is really cold, but overall he has completely recovered. I am still so thankful that this wasn't nearly as bad as it could've been. If you're wondering, he did ride bulls again after this incident, but he wore a helmet. He gave up riding entirely last February, a few months before our wedding. 

Throwback Thursday Liz Lemon Is My Spirit Animal

A little Throwback Thursday post today. I still love 30 Rock, but I did not register for a Keurig when James and I got married :)

I’ve been told numerous times that I would enjoy 30 Rock, but I never really got around to watching it. But recently I’ve been seeing gifs of Liz Lemon on my tumblr dashboard. I was intrigued.

So I started watching 30 Rock on Netflix.

And y’all, I love Liz Lemon. Her awkwardness, her glasses, her attitude, her love of food…Liz Lemon is my spirit animal.  

I am nearly as oblivious as she is in these situations. And yes, I do believe I would prefer the mozzarella sticks to another drink. Thanks for suggesting that, Liz.

When I told a friend I was moving into this house alone, she made me promise to leave the house once a day. She was afraid I would become a hermit. It might be a valid concern. Which brings me to…

Yes, I have said this before. A friend and I also decided we should throw a “I didn’t marry the wrong guy or have a baby out of wedlock” shower for ourselves. I want nice pots and pans too! And some towels I didn’t purchase at Target in college in various bright colors because I thought it would be fun to have nothing match. And a Keurig. Those things are practically required to be on a wedding registry, aren’t they?

And when I’m around a group of women I don’t know, this is how I feel. Awkward and searching for common ground.

Yes! Preferably some form of potato, but pizza would do too. Or a cheeseburger. Or patty melt. And now I’m hungry. I’m going to go talk to some food about this…

Throwback Thursday: How Not to Hit on A Girl

I wrote this post several years ago, pre-James of course. This was definitely the worst way a guy ever tried to hit on me. Well, once I was crossing the street on Campus Corner in college and a guy hung his head out the window and yelled "Nice kneecaps!" It was hilarious but not effective. Way better than this Wormy Dog jerk story. Enjoy.

Last night I went to the Wormy Dog in Oklahoma City with some friends from high-school. We were standing around, waiting for Reckless Kelly to take the stage when a guy walked over to me. He didn’t say a word, just slammed the bottom of his beer bottle on top of mine. Which, by the way, causes the beer to foam and pretty much explode out of the top. I had no idea how to respond. I pointed the beer at him so it wouldn’t get all over me. He put his thumb over the bottle to try to keep it from spewing and said “I didn’t realize you would be such a bad sport about it.” I just looked at him and asked why he thought it was a good idea to do that. He handed me another bottle and said it was his way of flirting. I took the beer, but refused to drink from it. It’s generally not a good idea to drink something that a random guy hands you, especially when he is a grade A creeper like this one. I walked away from him, and he followed me and said “Don’t be such a hag about it.” I just looked at him and said, “Excuse me? What did you just call me?” He was like, oh nothing. I was just trying to tell you that you are pretty.  I tried to explain to this guy that maybe acting like a third-grader isn’t the best way to get my attention. Maybe he should just say hi instead.  Throughout the evening he would pop up randomly and attempt to flirt – at least I think that’s what he was trying to do. When I asked him to leave me alone, he said fine, you’re not even that pretty. To which I responded, then why do you keep talking to me?

I don’t understand why guys think they need some complicated scheme to hit on a girl. If you think a girl is pretty or she catches your eye, just go say hi. Go introduce yourself and tell her that. Don’t hit her beer bottle, or rub your hand on her back and wrap your fingers in her hair like another guy did to me last night. Keep it simple. It will be much easier for both of you that way – and you might actually get the girl’s phone number instead of the brush off.