Here's to 2016!

Well, we're 11 days into 2016 and I'm finally getting around to a New Year blog post. Yes, it's been that kind of year already! 

Ok, actually it was just a rough end to 2015. It was a blur of birthday celebrations, a quick trip to Oregon, holiday celebrations, then a powerful ice storm that left us without power for several days, and then the new year was upon us! It feels like I'm finally getting caught up now. 

So let's catch up. As I said, December was a busy one. After the birthday celebrations, James and I headed up to Oregon with my parents to visit my little sister and her husband. I'd never been to the Pacific Northwest (and neither had James), and I have to say, it was pretty beautiful! James wasn't a fan of the tiny plane we took from Seattle to Medford, but it wasn't too bad. (Though the bathroom was miniscule - if I'd been much further along, I don't know if I could've used it!) 

We were only there a few days, and I can't wait to go back. Maybe in the summer when it is a bit warmer! Though we'll have a little one to take with us then :) 

The holidays are a blur. We didn't even get a Christmas tree this year! I decorated the mantle and hung a wreath on the door, but that's all the holiday cheer we had around here. We came back from visiting family just in time for that ice storm I mentioned, and I got to experience three days in the dark. Thankfully we have a woodburning fireplace and James was able to procure us a generator on the second day, or it would've been truly miserable. I used to love building a fire when it was cold enough for one, but that little experience might have cured me of that. It was during this crazy week that I had the opportunity to drive a brand new Toyota Camry, which I'll tell you about later this week! 

And then there was the new year, which James and I celebrated with a mediocre dinner at Red Lobster, a tiny bottle of champagne, and Red Box. (No, I don't want to talk about that play off game.)

I did stay awake to ring in 2016, but we actually missed the countdown because we were watching my belly move. It is super weird to see your stomach move because there is a little human inside kicking!

Which pretty much brings us to today. I'm growing bigger by the second, it seems. And I'm staying busy with work. And when I'm not working, I'm trying to get our house cleaned back up. We're in the process of turning my office into a nursery (and our guest room into an office/guest room), so everything is topsy turvy. We have a dresser in the living room, baby clothes all over the place, and a general mess going on. 

So that's where I'm at. Trying to stay afloat in a sea of chaos. I'm going to just use this as practice for when the baby actually gets here - which will be in about 14 weeks! 

I promise to be back with at least one more post this week! Until then, Happy Monday!

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...

Toxic Laundry: Skip the Fabric Softener

Whew, it's Thursday. I don't know about you, but it's been a long week! Today I'm over at the Act Small, Think Big blog again. This time I'm talking about how unnecessary fabric softener and dryer sheets are. Don't believe me? Read for yourself about how to save money and keep toxic chemicals away from you and your family! 

If you're like me, you love fabric softener and dryer sheets. They keep your sheets soft, your shirts smelling lovely, and your skirts static free. Unfortunately they can contain just as many toxic chemicals as conventional laundry detergent, which we now know is a lot!

In fact, fabric softener may quite possibly be the most toxic product in your home... Read on here

Toxic Laundry: Your Choice of Detergent Matters (Guest Post!)

Happy Wednesday, friends! Today I'm over at the Act Small, Think Big blog talking about laundry detergent. Sound boring? I promise it's not! A sneak peek of the post is below, but head over to the blog to read the whole thing.

Did you know that one of the most toxic rooms in your home might just be the laundry room? That's because conventional laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets all contain toxic chemicals!

In fact, according to a survey of selected scented consumer goods by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Researchers, many products tested "emitted more than 100 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including some that are classified as toxic or hazardous by federal laws." That study included some of the most popular laundry detergents and dryer sheets... keep reading