Sunday Social #7

Good morning! Today I'm linking up with Ashley and Neely again for the Sunday Social. I've started really looking forward to these Sunday posts, how about you? :)

1. What is the most difficult thing you've ever been through? I've been incredibly blessed to not have to go through too many difficult things in my life so far. I don't want to jinx it! So I'm going to say finishing the half-marathon for Compassion. It was definitely the most physically difficult thing I've ever done!

2. What was your best birthday? Oh dear, I do not like this question. I feel like my birthdays are so often disappointing! But I had some great parties as a kid. One year all my friends got super dress up and we had a fancy shmancy tea party! It was pretty awesome.

3. What has been your favorite thing you've done in your own city? I'm going to say OKC instead of our small town we live in for this one. And it isn't actually something I really did, for the past two years James has participated in the OKC Memorial Stair Climb. I've gone and taken pictures, and it is incredibly moving to watch these firefighters suit up in full gear and make the slow walk to the First National Bank building where they will climb 110 stairs in honor of the firefighters who perished on 9/11. While they were climbing, James's family and I walked through the OKC bombing memorial (if you live in OK, you should go). I know that's sort of a depressing thing to say, but it's made a bigger impact on me than any Thunder game or concert.

4. What is your idea of the perfect date night? Is it lame to say dinner and a movie? We so rarely do it, it's a total treat when we do!

5. Have you been to a blogging conference? If so, which one? If not, do you want to? I signed up for one a few years ago, but ended up selling my ticket. I would love to go to a blogging conference, I have a few in mind, but it'll have to be in 2015. (Any suggestions on which one I should choose?)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!