Friday, I'm Exhausted! A Recap of the Week

Anyone else almost fall asleep while driving home from work this week? No? Just me then, I suppose.

It's been an action packed week, y'all. Last Friday kicked everything off when I noticed a diamond had fallen out of the halo setting of my engagement ring! So we spent part of our evening talking with the jeweler; ultimately I had to leave my engagement ring with them so they could send it off to be repaired. My left ring finger felt so lonely while it was gone, but last night I was able to go pick it up! We went to the Cheesecake Factory after to celebrate :)

We spent Memorial Day weekend at the lake with J's family. It was fun, but a little exhausting because we decided at the last minute to bring Winchester with us! We'd planned on leaving him at home (friends and family were going to come over and take care of him) but instead he took his first trip to the lake. He had a blast; there was another puppy there (half blue heeler, half Australian shepherd) plus several other full grown dogs. And he did really well most of the weekend, considering he hasn't been housebroken at all! We did make the mistake of letting him sleep in bed with us down there. Great idea at the time, but I was totally regretting it on Monday night when he whined and cried half the night!

And the rest of this week has just flown right on by. J and I finished our biggest DIY project to date. I'll share a little sneak peek below, but for more info check out the Mrs Robbins Sparkles facebook page. It ended up being a lot of fun...and a lot of work. I did learn how to use my first power tool though, so watch out world! We may take a break on big DIY projects for a bit while we work on getting the house in order. Things have gotten a little out of hand lately, mostly because we currently have way too much furniture! (Speaking of, anyone need a couch or recliner? We can help ya out!)

I would love to take this weekend to relax, but that's not going to happen. Today I get to enjoy a visit to the dentist, tomorrow we're attending a wedding, and Sunday we have our first softball game of the season (we're part of a church league). Maybe next weekend?

What are your plans this weekend? Anything fun?