Week 19: It's a...

Last night James and I went to Anticipation Ultrasound Studio to find out if we were having a boy or a girl! My official ultrasound isn't until December 17th, but we couldn't wait. Our little one wasn't in a very cooperative mood, though. The baby was curled up, yet the little legs were also stretched out and kicking! After about ten minutes, the tech finally said she'd seen enough and asked if we were ready to find out. And then she said "It's a..."


Starting in April, James is going to be outnumbered in our little family. Of course, he is still planning on taking our little girl hunting. And I plan on enrolling her in ballet classes. She'll be very well rounded ;) 

The entire ultrasound session lasted about 20 minutes, and we left with a video of the entire session, a few printed photos, and a stuffed animal with a recording of our daughter's heartbeat. If you can't wait to find out the gender, I highly recommend using one of those studios. This one had great reviews, extended hours, and was very reasonably priced. Definitely better than waiting until December! We did get a peek at the 4D video, but to be honest, I find those a little creepy! 

After the session we texted and called friends and family, then headed to Babies R Us to register. Even though I've been around babies my whole life, I still found it overwhelming. How are you supposed to choose the right mattress, bottles, car seat, stroller, etc? We registered for a few things, but mostly we wandered around the store and I started to get a really bad headache. So instead of hitting full on panic, we left and went to dinner!

Now that we know we are officially having a little girl (I've thought it was a girl for awhile, and pretty much everyone around us thought it was too!) it's time to get serious about the nursery. I've been planning on keeping things pretty gender neutral (and still want to) but girlie things will definitely be incorporated as well. 

Plus now I can order all the frilly things from thredup! In fact, I'm going to go check that out now. Happy Wednesday!

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...