The Big Announcement (and a little one!)
Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been a little distant lately. Not just here on the blog, but also on social media. It’s felt like I’ve been holding back something important. And that’s because I have been. Today I can finally make the big announcement:
I am quitting my day job!
I know it may not be the announcement some of y’all thought I was making, but I’m super excited about it! I actually put in my notice on Friday morning. It went so well and I think this is going to work out perfectly for me and for my employer. I gave a three week notice. While I would’ve loved the poetry of having my last day in the corporate world fall on the 3rd of July, that would’ve been smack dab in the middle of the reporting cycle for the company and it would’ve left my co-workers high and dry. So this year my independence day will fall on July 10th!
It’s been awhile in the making, but now that it’s official I’ll be talking more and more about my writing and content strategy work, and how I’m making the shift back into a freelancer/entrepreneur life.
And my little announcement? James and I brought home a new puppy last night!
He and Winchester are getting along really well. Winchester couldn't be happier to have a little buddy, but I think Remington needs a little time to adjust :)
Happy happy Monday my friends!
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...