Bump Update: 17 Weeks and a New Plan

Well, I've made it to 17 weeks! I feel like I've popped now. My bump still isn't massive but it's clearly visible. The picture below is from Friday, and I swear I'm bigger since then. I don't think I've felt the baby move yet. Recently I feel like maybe I feel something, but it hasn't been enough for me to really know. If that makes any sense at all!

We were supposed to find out the sex of the baby next week, but that's not going to happen now because I'm switching healthcare providers. I've been seeing a wonderful nurse midwife at a hospital downtown and I've loved the experience and care there. However, as I've done research on insurance plans and co-pays and out-of-pocket expenses I've come to realize that this baby was going to be expensive to have there. Especially since my current insurance plan is being discontinued and all the new plans are more expensive with worse coverage! A friend pointed out that since my blond haired blue eyed husband is a card carrying member of a Native American tribe that I could have the baby at the same hospital she had her baby at - for free. 

So I did some research. And it is very hard to find any information like this online! I ended up having to call the hospital/clinic directly to get my questions answered, and I discovered that yes, I can go to their hospital.

So how does that work? Because if you grew up in a town with a Native American hospital like me, you know that unless you have your CDIB card (which proves you are a member of a tribe) you can't go to that hospital. But apparently if you are carrying a baby that will also be a card carrying member of the tribe, then the hospital welcomes you in (up to 6 weeks post-natal).

I had my first appointment at that hospital earlier this week. I had to bring a copy of my husband's drivers license, his CDIB card, his Social Security card, my Social Security card, my driver's license, our marriage license, and proof that I was actually pregnant (a letter from a non-native doctor). The paperwork took quite awhile, but it's all settled now. It's a bit of a drive to the hospital (2 hours), but I'll take that and the cost of gas instead of the exorbitant cost of my other option! Plus the hospital is in my hometown, so I can always stay with my parents if necessary. And I know several people who work there and have had their babies there, and I've only heard good things. So it seems like a win-win!

I'm going back for my official appointment next week. That's when I'll find out when my next ultrasound will be, likely in December. No matter what, we should find out if we are having a boy or girl before Christmas! I feel like it's a girl, but then all my dreams lately have been that it is a boy. So I really have no idea. Any guesses?

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...