The Daily Grind
It's 11:20 am here in Oklahoma, and I'm listening to a podcast at my desk and updating my calendar with all the coffees, lunches, and calls I have coming up. The check I just wrote for our rent is sitting on the edge of my desk, my blog editorial calendar is open on my lap, and my Day Designer planner is open next to me. I have 10 tabs open, three Word documents, and Slack running in the background.
The remnants of breakfast are sitting on the counter because last night's dishes are still in the sink. There are puppies barking at the window and a cat rubbing on my ankles. My coffee is getting cold and the candle I light to signal "work time" is sitting next to the lamp, still dark because I forgot to light it. The yoga pants I'm wearing definitely did not make it to yoga today.
The podcast I'm listening to is called the Daily Grind, and it's hitting super hard today. My routines are still not in place. I need to designate writing time, but emails and phone calls have started to fill my calendar instead. Yesterday I meant to eat breakfast, but by 1:00 pm I still hadn't eaten lunch because I'd burned not one but two lunches. I'd put some leftover pizza in the oven to reheat and forgot it first. Then I tried to reheat this chicken dish and forgot it as well. I finally made myself shut the computer down and made some Hamburger Helper, because I was starving and it was 2 pm.
The daily grind is real, but I'm so thankful for it. It's going to take some time to figure it out, and I have to give myself the grace to deal with dirty dishes in the sink. I need to decide what is important and make time for it (exercise, writing, paying bills) because it is so easy to let the urgent take over. The tyranny of the urgent is real and must be fought.
I'm also asking you wonderful people to give me a little grace right now. I may not get a post up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It may be Tuesday and Wednesday, or Wednesday and Friday. But I'll be here! And I promise that every Wednesday between now and October 1 there will be a brand new installment in the When I Grow Up series. So just now you can always count on that for now!
Until tomorrow, friends. Have a great day!
Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...