Sunday Social #15

Hello Sunday! This morning James and I are leading Children's Chapel at church, so it's a crazy day. But I'm here to answer 5 questions for the Sunday Social. Have a great day friends!

1. Favorite scent - Lavender. I'm obsessed. I use lavender lotion, lavender laundry soap, lavender everything! Though pumpkin is a pretty close second, and it's about that time of year.

2. Favorite food - Can I just say potatoes? I love potatoes in pretty much any form. If I had to say a meal, then I'd say steak and potatoes. With a side of lobster or crab legs ;)

3. Favorite sound - A crackling fire. There's something so calming about it to me. And luckily this cold weather snap was enough to have a fire on Friday night!

4. Favorite picture currently on your phone - It is a silly picture, but this one I took of James at our first meal in Key West on our honeymoon. He was so far out of his comfort zone, but it was such a fun trip! 

5. Best memory of the year so far - My wedding day, of course! I'm not sure what moment of that day. It was a day full of highs and lows, but I've already started letting go of the bad memories from the day.