After the Purge: What to Do With all Those Clothes
I talked about my closet purge last week, but I didn't tell you what happened with all the clothes I got rid of.
That's what the back of my SUV looks like right now. About half of the bags and boxes are going straight to Goodwill. The other half are going to a local consignment shop to be checked out. The white and green thredUP bags are headed to FedEx to be shipped to thredUP, an online consignment shop.
Let's talk about those three options. Goodwill is the easiest, of course. There are drop off locations all over the place. You can just leave the bags there and you're done! Of course, you don't get any money from your clothes. You are simply donating them, with the option of getting a tax deduction out of it. (If you don't itemize your taxes, there is zero benefit from this option. Except for knowing that you might be helping out some people in need. Which is awesome, but doesn't help you financially.) But the best thing about Goodwill is that they accept pretty much everything. I'm donating a bag full of underthings - panties and bras that I bought but never (or rarely) wore. Don't be gross and give them super used things, but if you have gently used clothes of any kind, Goodwill is a great option.
Local consignment shops are another option, but they can be a bit of pain to deal with sometimes. You have to haul your clothes in and wait while they sort through each piece and decide if it is something they want to sell. I've only tried this one before with minimal luck, but I'm giving it another shot for the items that thredUP doesn't accept. Which leads me to thredUP...
thredUP is actually an easier option than local consignment shops because you can find out exactly what they accept. They have a clothing calculator that is super useful. You simply look up the brand name of the clothes (if it isn't in the list, thredUP doesn't accept it) and then choose which categories. Tops, bottoms, shoes, handbags, etc. Then a price range will appear to give you an idea of how much you would get for that item.
You may have noticed the statement below the price range. Depending on the item, thredUP may pay you upfront or they may hold payment until the item sells. Most items I plan on selling through them qualify for upfront payment, which is super nice because it means I'll get money immediately for clothes I will never wear again! If you send something that thredUP doesn't accept for some reason or another, they will simply donate the clothes for you. Or you can choose to have them send those items back to you. It is totally free to order a Clean Out bag so you have nothing to lose! (However, if you do want to have the items not accepted sent back to you, it will cost you $12.99 for shipping.) If you live locally I can totally hook you up with a Clean Out bag. Just leave a comment below :)
So those are the three options. If you have any more ideas about how to get rid of your clothes (other than simply throwing them out), let me know!
PS: You can also buy clothes from thredUP. If you follow me on social media you'll know I've ordered a few things recently. They haven't come in yet, but once they do I'll let you know how it went. If you want to give them a try, use this link to get $10 towards your first order.
Full disclosure: I'm now a brand ambassador for thredUP. But I was planning on writing this post long before they contacted me about the opportunity, so I promise that what I'm writing is entirely my own opinion :)