Raise a Hand for Teachers

 Hey guys! Stopping by for a Thursday post to tell you about a new program thredUP.com is offering. In case you forgot, thredUp is pretty much my go-to clothing site these days - I just got four pairs of designer jeans (7 for all Mankind!) for under $100. And they have partnered with AdoptAClassroom.org to recognize and thank teachers for their hard work and the positive impact they make each day on children’s lives.

I know quite a few teachers, and I'm painfully aware of how much of their own money they spend on their classroom and their kids. According to AdoptAClassroom.org, teachers spend an average of $500 of their own money each year to equip their classrooms, and an astonishing 70% of teachers have even purchased apparel items like jackets, socks, and shoes for their students.

That's why thredUP is introducing this new program - they know how hard teachers work, and they want to help! Three teachers will win $2,500 for classroom supplies as well as $500 credit to thredUP. 50 runner-up winners will receive $100 credit to thredUP. 

Want to nominate someone? You have until August 23rd, and winners will be announced on Tuesday, September 8th. Once you've nominated your favorite teacher, you can vote daily. So get started today!

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...

When I Grow Up: Becoming a Content Strategist

Hey friends! Today I'm doing something a little different - I'm going to be talking about my career as a content strategist, creator, and manager. As you all know, I relaunched J Bryant Creative this week so what better week to tell you about it? 

So let's begin with the same questions I make everyone answer, shall we?

As a child, I wanted to be a ­______ when I grew up. I wanted to be a pediatrician who wrote books on the side. I’ve always had a left brain/right brain thing going on.

 How close (or far) is your current career from that dream? Well, the pediatrician thing clearly didn’t happen! I was one of many wannabe doctors who were weeded out by Chem I. And while I don’t write books (yet), I am a writer now!

 What is your official job title? I like to call myself a CCO – Creative Content Officer. But to make things simple I often just call myself a Content Strategist.

 Ok, now what does that really mean? Essentially I handle all things content, including strategy, creation, and management. As a strategist I help overhaul websites or develop and edit e-courses. As a writer/editor I create content like web copy, blogs, newsletters, and original articles. As a content manager I monitor and curate site content for clients, both on their own sites and on social media sites (like Facebook groups).

 What is a typical day like? Well, I just went full-time with this. Before this week I was waking up early every day to answer emails and get some work done before I made the 30+ minute drive to my job as an accountant for a bank. I would either have a client call over my lunch break or just bring my laptop with me to get some writing done, and then after my last few hours at the bank I would either have another call or spend several hours working.

Now I’m still figuring out what a typical day is going to look like! Monday I started the day with coffee and content management for an ongoing client, followed by revisions for the web copy for a photographer and then a first glance at an e-course I’ll be editing for another creative entrepreneur. I took a few breaks to check on our dogs, switch laundry, that kind of thing, but overall it was a pretty great and productive day. Yesterday I only worked half a day because I had a court date for my CASA case and then I drove to Dallas for a networking event, which totally counts as work because networking is going to be a crucial important part of my business!

How did you end up in this career? After graduating from OU (see below) I accepted a job in public accounting in the Dallas area. I was there one year before moving on to a different accounting firm where I stayed one year. At that point I was totally done with tax accounting and decided to try this whole writing and editing thing I'd been dreaming of, so I created a website and basically just set up shop! For two years I did writing and editing while also working as a nanny, but when my two main recurring clients moved their work in house I decided to go back to a 9-to-5. I made it all of a month there before those clients came back to me, and I started running my business on the side. I did that for two years, but in the past six months the client work really started to pick up and I decided to go full-time again. I feel much better prepared this time around!

 What kind of education or training did you complete for this career? I earned an accounting degree from the University of Oklahoma, and while I considered switching majors before graduation I decided I didn’t want to waste all those hours I spent in finance and accounting classes. So I used my electives to take classes like Magazine Editing and Writing the Novel while I survived all those accounting hours! After graduation I’ve mostly learned from books and e-courses (you can find more about those in the Resources section of the blog).

 What advice would you give to someone who wants a similar career? Don’t do it alone! The first time I tried to go full-time I made it two years before deciding to go back to the corporate world. And my biggest mistake was not making other freelance friends. Now I’m in several groups on Facebook as well as some in real life groups! It’s been so helpful having people to turn to when I have questions or need help.

 Do you have any other career dreams? What do you want to be when you grow up? Right now this is it! I’m focusing my energy on J Bryant Creative, as well as my resume business, OK Resume Services.

 Any last thoughts or encouragement for others trying to decide what they want to do “when they grow up”? Do your research, figure out what you want, and GO FOR IT!

And that's the basics! My apologies if you saw the original unfinished version of this post earlier - I scheduled it to post at the usual 6:30 am time but didn't finish it yesterday like I meant to! Tuesday was a blur of broken iPhones and driving (I'm currently at a friend's house in Dallas) so I just ran out of time. But if you're reading this then you are seeing the final version :) 

reviously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...

What is a Weekend? - Week's Links

Happy Monday, friends! Today's post is later in the day because I am officially self-employed. I woke up this morning, had a big cup of coffee, and opened my laptop to begin the day. No business casual clothes, no traffic, nada. 

It was glorious. 

I promise I won't write all posts same day (in fact, I rarely do anymore). But I decided to enjoy the weekend and not do ANY writing or work related anything. Now that I'll be working from home again, I would like to have the weekends be actual weekends again. For a long time I was like the Dowager Countess of Grantham.

I didn't even know what a weekend was because I was always working. And I do intend to work my tail off during the week, so it will be nice to have free weekends! Maybe I can actually start using our pool :) 

Now let's dive into this week's links!

First, a personal one. I have officially relaunched my business! J Bryant Creative is now offering content strategy, creation, and management with a brand new website that I built all by my lonesome. I'm pretty proud of it, so if you have a few minutes take a look. 

And this article is exactly what I wanted to read this week! Why Freelancing Actually Has More Job Security than a 9 to 5

Consent can be tough to talk about it, but it's a conversation that we should all be having. Not sure how to go about it? Check out these 7 things that have nothing to do with rape that perfectly illustrate the idea of consent

After that post how about we take things a little lighter with a video of kittens and puppies meeting! 

Friends ended the year I graduated from high school, so I know lots of things in the show were dated. I didn't realize how many until I read this post about the 21 things that happened on Friends that would baffle kids today. 

I live in Oklahoma and have several friends who are teachers, so this article about the teacher pay discrepancy between our state and Texas hits close to home. I have some very strong opinions about how much money our state wastes on pointless legislation when our education system is struggling. I mean, our governor doesn't even know the three branches of government for goodness' sake! 

And let's close out with a peek at some embarrassing things people have done when they meet celebrities. I say and do stupid things around normal people, so I bet I would just melt down around a celebrity. 

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great week. 

Previously on Mrs Robbins Sparkles...