
I turned 29 on Saturday. And yesterday I got this in the mail: 

Yup, that is an AARP magazine. It was just delivered to the wrong address, it should have gone one street over. But the timing of it was quite funny, huh? 

It was a great weekend though. My husband took me to Tokyo Japanese Restaurant for sushi; ok, I had sushi. He had chicken and beef teriyaki. He is obviously not a sushi fan. (He didn't even try it. Or the edamame. That's ok, more for me!)

After dinner we stopped at Bin 73, a wine bar down the block. We ate french fries and had a drink before heading home. Of course, we made a quick stop at the Cheesecake Factory to pick up a couple slices of cheesecake first! 

On Saturday I was surprised by a little party! I'd planned on watching the Bedlam game (don't even talk to me about the outcome though!) with my friend Ashley and her husband, but when James and I got there one of other friends had driven up with her son to join us, and our friend out in DC was Skyped in to say hi! (I call that a party, I'm an introvert. Don't judge.) Plus there were Polo's chips and salsa, Coach's beer, and hashbrown casserole. It was basically the perfect birthday celebration for me! After the game some of us went to dinner, and then back to Ashley's house. Our plan was to try to find the SNL episode when N SYNC performed, but while Ashley's husband searched for it, the rest of us fell asleep on the couch. 

I think that sums up 29. Good drinks and food, wonderful friends, and falling asleep before 10 pm. Oh, and diamond earrings: 

Yes, my lovely husband surprised me with diamond earrings! I also ended up with a winter white coat from my parents, an Amazon gift card (I've already restocked my Kindle with some deals!), and some adorable home decor pieces. 

29 has been pretty good so far. And I have a feeling it is just going to get better from here!

Friday, I'm in Love: Amazon Fire TV Stick

Ok, this post isn't sponsored at all. I just really love my new Amazon Fire TV Stick! Last month I happened to visit Amazon.com when they were running a promo for them. For only $19 I was able to buy this handy little thing: 

It was super easy to set up. The hardest thing was literally trying to open the remote to put in the batteries! I think the overall set up took about fifteen minutes, which included downloading the software update. The Fire TV Stick was already set up with my Amazon Prime account, so I just had to log into Netflix and my other online accounts and it was all ready to go! 

The Fire TV Stick was super fast and easy to use. It is way faster than the Blu Ray player I have in the bedroom, which takes ages to load. Now I can watch Veronica Mars in the living room! It's pretty wonderful, I have to say. 

The Fire TV Stick is actually $39, but I think that is still a steal! The website says they are out of stock until January, but mine came in two weeks earlier than they initially thought. So if you are looking for a way to watch Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or a number of other online services, check out the Amazon Fire TV Stick! Clearly I love it :)

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What I'm Into: November 2014

Whew, how did December get here already! I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving last week. I had a wonderful time with family, but we did have a little scare when Winchester got loose! Luckily someone found him (and the dog he ran off with) and we got him back within hours. It was scary though! (He was thoroughly ashamed of himself when we got him back.)

Now, on to the real point of the post. What I was into in November!

On my bookshelf: I listened to a couple audiobooks last month. I Capture the Castle and Unbroken, and I read I Heart My Little A**holes, The Vacationers, Three Wishes, and a couple more that I can't think of right now! I'll share a full list in this month's Twitterature post. (For details on other books I read, check out last month's Twitterature post.)

On my tv: I just started Veronica Mars yesterday and I'm loving it! I've also been watching the Tudors; I needed my historical fix after I finished the Borgias. And I went to see Mockingjay in theaters! I went to the Warren in Moore with a couple of friends. We sat in the balcony and felt oh so fancy with our heated seats and dinner. The movie was pretty good too :)

In my ears: Taylor Swift! I didn't care for the album at first, but it has grown on me and I can't shake it off. (Get it?) 

On my wall: I bought my first piece of original art. It's a Rita Ortloff and I love it. 

Other important stuff: My birthday is this weekend! I'm finishing up CASA training this month! The busy season at work is nearly over! Ok, that's all for December not November. But November was a doozy and I'm just so glad it's over. 

Onward to birthday and Christmas and the new year. Hooray!