Yes! A 24 Hour Readathon

Tomorrow morning at 7 am I’m participating in a 24 hour readathon! Here’s what I plan on tackling:

Ok, I know I won’t make it through all of them. That's quite an ambitious stack. But I’m going to give it my best shot!

Here’s what’s on deck:

That’s the general order of things, but I will probably skip around here and there. I’m not going to be strict with myself; I’ll take breaks and I definitely will get some sleep. But I’m going to do my darnedest to read for most of that 24 hours. I’ll be tweeting about it (you can follow along here) and updating Goodreads as well (want to see what I post over there?) and I may even dash off a quick post over as well.

So that's what my weekend looks like. Lots and lots of reading. And I couldn't be more excited! 

Throwback Thursday Liz Lemon Is My Spirit Animal

A little Throwback Thursday post today. I still love 30 Rock, but I did not register for a Keurig when James and I got married :)

I’ve been told numerous times that I would enjoy 30 Rock, but I never really got around to watching it. But recently I’ve been seeing gifs of Liz Lemon on my tumblr dashboard. I was intrigued.

So I started watching 30 Rock on Netflix.

And y’all, I love Liz Lemon. Her awkwardness, her glasses, her attitude, her love of food…Liz Lemon is my spirit animal.  

I am nearly as oblivious as she is in these situations. And yes, I do believe I would prefer the mozzarella sticks to another drink. Thanks for suggesting that, Liz.

When I told a friend I was moving into this house alone, she made me promise to leave the house once a day. She was afraid I would become a hermit. It might be a valid concern. Which brings me to…

Yes, I have said this before. A friend and I also decided we should throw a “I didn’t marry the wrong guy or have a baby out of wedlock” shower for ourselves. I want nice pots and pans too! And some towels I didn’t purchase at Target in college in various bright colors because I thought it would be fun to have nothing match. And a Keurig. Those things are practically required to be on a wedding registry, aren’t they?

And when I’m around a group of women I don’t know, this is how I feel. Awkward and searching for common ground.

Yes! Preferably some form of potato, but pizza would do too. Or a cheeseburger. Or patty melt. And now I’m hungry. I’m going to go talk to some food about this…